The concrete area is the hardest part of floor coating. There are so many compounds and different elements that act as protective shields for concrete. Among these compounds, some are very hard and strong, while others tend to deteriorate with the passage of time. The durability of concrete is long, but the finishing of concrete wears off with the passage of time. In a home renovation, the concrete coating is not repairable. Hence, to save time and money, epoxy or polyurea solutions are used.

Epoxy vs. Polyurea

Epoxy is a type of polymer made up of larger molecules. The basic structure of epoxy is that it is elastic, and it is commonly used in construction. The formula for epoxy is made up of two components, i.e., hardener and resin. These two elements are mixed thoroughly and spread across the concrete floor.

On the other hand, polyurea is a type of polymer that is synthetic in nature and more like rubber. The compounds of polyurea have more strength and flexibility when it comes to coating concrete.

Epoxy and polyurea are both types of polymers, but their abilities and qualities differ from each other. Both of these compounds are used for coating concrete floors. However, only one of them is the best choice for concrete floor coating based on their abilities and differences.

1: Durability

Epoxy is used as a floor coating due to its durability. It can withstand heavy objects, chemicals, scratching, and other impacts. However, epoxy has a lower resistance to heavy objects and dragging. Over the passage of time, epoxy tends to waffle off or, in most cases, break apart. It is coating on concrete is not durable for a long time.

On the other hand, polyurea is considered to be more durable and flexible, as it is a major compound of elastomers. It has the ability to withstand heavy objects and higher temperatures.

2: Longevity

Polymer stands for durability. There is no doubt that epoxy coating on concrete floors has durability, but its longevity is only 3 to 5 years. Epoxy then wears and deteriorates from its original form. After an interval of 3 to 5 years, the concrete floor coating must be renewed.

On the other hand, polyurea is a much stronger type of polymer. Its life expectancy is more than 10 years. Its compound is made of much stronger molecules. Thus, it has the ability to withstand heat and cold.

3: Doesn’t lose Color:

Epoxy has the tendency to lock the color between the two layers, i.e., the resin and hardener. The color as well as the aesthetic appeal of the floor continue to last. No chemical or strain affects the floor coating.

Polyurea, on the other hand, is known as an excellent option due to its resistance to chipping, cracking, or even color fading. Polyurea coatings do not lose their color because they are stronger in nature and have more strong combining elements in them.

The best choice for a concrete floor is:

Comparing the two polymers and their abilities, it is rather hard to select one for the concrete floor coating or finishing. However, based on its durability, longevity, and resistance to heat and cold, polyurea is considered the best choice for concrete floor coating. Polyurea stands out as a less expensive and totally customizable substance. Polyurea is also considered the best option for renovating concrete because it tends to be expensive and demands quality. Polyurea concrete coating is long-lasting and less expensive. Thus, for many projects and home renovations, polyurea coating is utilized and effectively applied as well.