Homeowners spend a lot of time looking for ways to improve the look and functionality of their residence. Whether you are trying to make your garage more appealing or you need a durable flooring option for an outdoor building, using epoxy is a great idea. Property owners in the United States spend billions of dollars a year on new flooring.

While epoxy is a popular flooring choice, there are a number of common misconceptions that prohibit some people from using this substance. Rather than letting misinformation rob you of the joys of having an epoxy floor, you need to find out the truth behind these misconceptions. The following are some things you need to know about epoxy flooring and why it is a great option for your home.

Epoxy and Paint Are Not the Same

The main misconception most people have about epoxy flooring is that it is similar to everyday interior type paint. The stuff you would find at Home Depot or Lowes. In reality, these two substances are very different. Regular paint does not offer protection of a concrete substrate. It will most likely adhere at first and look aesthetically appealing but quickly fade in color. Not to mention the more use the floor gets the more rapidly the paint will begin to ware. If you are looking for quality over price than a epoxy coating is no doubt a great choice to coat with.

An Affordable Flooring Option

When trying to choose new flooring, one of the main things a homeowner will consider is the price. Setting a budget for this home improvement project is crucial if you want to avoid getting in a financial bind. Some homeowners think that epoxy is too expensive for their budgets, but this is not the case. In most cases, epoxy is just as affordable as other popular flooring options like hardwood or carpeting.

The key to getting a great deal on your epoxy flooring is finding the right product and/or professional installation team. Before you buy any product we encourage you to do due diligence and see what the market has to offer. At ArmorPoxy, our Job on a Pallet do-it-yourself coating kits come with everything you need to install you next epoxy coating. From gloves, buckets, mixers, and frames we try to make it as easy as possible for the everyone day homeowner to epoxy their floor.

Epoxy Doesn’t Have To Be Regularly Reapplied

Another common misconception about epoxy flooring is that it has to be reapplied annually. The truth is that when the correct product is bought and installed, the floor can last for years to come without having to recoat it. One of the many benefits of epoxy coatings are how easy they are to recoat! Simply re-prep the floor for adhesion and apply another coat of the product you used onto the floor. Most epoxies can be built up in thickness which also create a more durable end coating but always consult your sales rep for the best results as products will vary,.

Do You Need An Epoxy Coating in Your Home?

Now that you know about the benefits of using epoxy flooring, it is time to take action. Contact ArmorPoxy to find out more about our line of DIY coating kits.