How to apply ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Floor Coating Kit

How to apply ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Floor Coating Kit

The ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Floor Coating Kit is a premium flooring solution designed for high durability and aesthetic appeal in residential, commercial and industrial spaces. It is known for its rapid curing time, exceptional chemical and abrasion resistance and UC stability. With long lasting and low-maintenance finish, the kit provides aesthetic appeal for flooring solution.

Typical Applications for ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Kit

  1. Garages: Provides a tough, attractive finish that can withstand vehicle traffic and spills.
  2. Basements: Offers moisture resistance and enhances the look of the space.
  3. Warehouses and Factories: Handles heavy machinery, chemical spills, and high foot traffic.
  4. Commercial Spaces: Ideal for retail stores, showrooms, and offices where appearance and durability are important.

Why Apply ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic

The ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Floor Kit is not only aesthetic with high gloss and customizable options but it also comes with customizable options for professional and attractive appearance. With this kit you can achieve high durability and resistance to damage while options for adding non-slips additives leads to improve flooring for space.

The kit includes all necessary components for easy application and provides various decorative options, making it a versatile and reliable choice for enhancing and protecting floors.

This guide elaborates how to apply the ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic yourself and have that professional look easily.


The application of the ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Flooring kit is easy. Just follow the steps below and achieve the best results.

Step 1: Surface Preparation

  1. Proper surface preparation is crucial for adhesion. This includes cleaning, degreasing, and possibly etching or grinding the concrete surface. Make sure that there are no dust or debris on the surface. Otherwise the adhesion will have dirty look.
  2. The second step is to fill any crack or space you find on the surface for perfect application.
fill any crack or space

Step 2: Mixing

  1. ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Flooring kit comes with all the component you need for application.
  2. Follow the kit instructions carefully to mix the resin and hardener components in the correct proportions. This usually involves pouring the hardener into the resin and stirring thoroughly until the mixture is uniform.
All Materials Included

Step 3: Application:

For application you need to follow the below steps.

  1. Primer Coat: Apply a primer coat if recommended, using a roller or squeegee. This helps the polyaspartic coating adhere better to the concrete.
Ultra Fast Drying

  2. First Coat: Pour the mixed coating onto the floor and spread it evenly using a roller or squeegee. Work in small sections to ensure an even application and avoid letting the mixture sit too long, as it cures quickly.

One Day System

3. Second Coat: After the first coat has cured (typically a few hours), apply a second coat to ensure complete coverage and enhanced durability. This coat can also include non-slip additives if desired.

Step 4: Decorative Element

  1. If using decorative flakes or quartz, broadcast them onto the wet coating immediately after application.
Decorative Element

Step 5: Curing

  1. Allow the floor to cure according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Light foot traffic is usually possible within a few hours, but it’s best to wait at least 24 hours before allowing heavy traffic or placing heavy objects on the floor.
  2. ArmorPoxy Kit is 2 layers epoxy system dedicated to make the floor perfect.
2 layers epoxy system

Tips for Best Results:

  1. Temperature and Humidity: Ensure the application area is within the recommended temperature and humidity range for best results.
  2. Ventilation: Maintain good ventilation during the application process to ensure proper curing and reduce any odors.
  3. Consistent Mixing: Mix the components thoroughly to avoid any inconsistencies in the coating.

By following these steps, you can achieve a durable, attractive, and long-lasting floor with the ArmorPoxy Polyaspartic Floor Coating Kit.

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